April 12, 2023

Thoughts From the 2023 Special Bargaining Convention

The 2023 UAW Special Bargaining Convention was held in Detroit, Michigan last week. The UAW is a democratic organization that operates much like any other democratic organization, with a constitution being its guide.

The UAW holds a Constitutional Convention every four years, with local union-elected delegates in attendance to represent their membership and vote based on the needs of their membership. The number of delegates, per local union, is determined by the number of members at each local. At the Constitutional Convention, resolutions, which are submitted by the membership, are debated by the elected local union delegates. These resolutions, if passed, amend the UAW Constitution, to reflect shifts and evolutions of the membership as we progress.

The Special Bargaining Convention is also held every four years, usually prior to bargaining at the Big Three. However, the resolutions debated and voted on apply to the UAW Bargaining strategies across all sectors. As union members, we share certain goals, even though the sectors and companies vary. The basic rights of workers are the same regardless of their job.

Last week at the Special Bargaining Convention, the delegate’s voices were heard and there were numerous resolutions debated and voted on. Bargaining requires a plan, but it also requires flexibility, so we can get the best agreement possible for our members. As we enter bargaining, be assured we will stand together to get agreements that meet the financial needs of our members and the security to protect their jobs.

Last week’s convention marked the first international event since the conclusion of the election for the International Executive Board. Now that the elections are over, we will all work together with one priority, our membership. Each region within the International Union has specific needs and issues for their members. While I intend to work with the entire International Executive Board, at the end of the day it is the members of UAW Region 8 that elected me to represent them, and it will be your needs that will drive the representation Region 8 receives. As Director, I work for and represent you, and I will always keep the membership at the forefront of all positions I take.


In Solidarity,

UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith


This site is not an official UAW communication, nor is it intended to be. It is the personal page of UAW Region 8 Assistant Director Tim Smith and is maintained and paid for by Tim Smith. No UAW resources were used in the development of this communication. Titles are given for identification purposes only.